create stories like shimmering rivers
keep yor heart (16 aug) & em evigrof..
oooh, watching the clouds / 'the elegance of the hedgehog', sucha good read. i can't finish it
'snow flower and the secret fan', why fictitious -
loxhill/hascombe - dupa lime kiln cottage, dunsfold road, spre godalming, superb
loxhill/hascombe - dupa lime kiln cottage, dunsfold road, spre godalming, superb
'l'heure passe, l'amitie' reste', said that globe..
the windows shine like sun scales
no more, no more
towers, the sky's ash ashtray
before, before
sand holds the wings of flyers
on shore, on shore
there're silences on silence
galore, ga lore
so. have you lost your soul?
bleeding silence on the carpet
how still betrayal feels (31 iul)
playing planes
looking for wishes in the styx (18 mai)
you linger like a scent of the sun / i'm watching you get hurt (molly nilsson, 'american express', 28 mar 2019)
- now i know you..
- now i know you..
cut my summer soul
Some of my brightest students are crushed and insecure. I don't know what exactly is wrong with them, us, academia or the world, but out of 6-7 students who caught my attention over the last year, one is on the verge of mental collapse and submitted an assignment missing one of three chapters; another can barely talk, and when prompted to pour personal experience into work speaks of indecision, pain, loss, fighting. Another wants to give up learning, does not trust her actions and has the vaguest gaze. A fourth dyes her hair green, self deprecates when invited to interview a scholar in Oxford, and hides in a radically grunge approach to existence.
Two more cases of melancholia, two who submitted their assignments late and will get Ds instead of As.
I want to leave this place; instead of pulling these aged children up, I think they're right. Not because of some quaint frailty of the mind, but because we're wrong (as institutional pawns), it's wrong (the institution), I'm wrong (inside of it or out). We aren't people anymore. We're corporations, competitions, piles and piles of uselessness on desks, in offices, in square blocks of cement, musicless, lifeless, tick tock. We're teaching loss-of-souls-for-jobs instead of art - efficiency, sameness, not difference. We drop a grade 30% if the third chapter is missing, we nod and say we understand, we say they're safe; we lie. I've lost my voice, my sight, my aspirations. The future looks much like the weather, cold, colourless, stopping.
birdless and packed in plastic.
We're so far from the truth. Life has nothing to do with NSS, computers, job statistics. We work because we're imaginationless - now so am I. But teaching art as slavery to canons is not only immoral, it's irreversible. There's no comeback from compromise. There's no rise out of nothingness. (7 ian)
i kissed this guy called louis dow. i was standing free in the market, there were rocks by his side,
there was snow.
now all this winter later, the front door
goes out at small hours at night
so wrong, so right
to think of more.
- de culoarea nucii -
trecea dintr-un bloc in altul si-o amintire-n alta, la acelasi etaj.
am urmarit-o un timp, nu mergeam, stateam langa, trasand fundalul maro dintr-o versiune de dune, imaginea incalcita de lipsa spatiului sau ordinii.
you're so tired.
asa cum statea el la iesirea din locul inramat intr-un pian care canta singur, asteptand ca pe-o impostoare, o impostoare care le zice parintilor sa mearga mai departe si ramane-n poveste fiindca (povestea) sare ca ea dintr-o amintire-n alta, stand*.
*culoarea nucii, din versiunea maro de dune.
(de fapt, sarea doar dintr-un bloc in altul; in amintiri statea.)
starry cold night, hazard lights on the street,
feels like the air’s holding mints in its keep,
and the alleys are crisp with the grip of the sky,
and the angles are sharp as they’re wondering why
spring in between or spring far on top,
is this season akin
to what is, to what’s not?
(apr. 2018)
de sus, alunecam pe-o parte cu bicicleta; incerta
de-un om aproape lung cu parul greu si gri si lins
you know, the enchanted forest was first written in romanian
and cascade into crying, unstoppable, unbreathable
all hope, all wisdom
un attainable.
what boundary between crying in sleep and crying woken up
made it.
bury my mind in a dark sweater -
- erau 3 cete, cel putin; prima, niste elfi disenchanted care tratau situatia cu pura pedagogie (aratau spre fata si conceptualizau cruzimea sau imbecilitatea umana, neimplicati, ca un budism mutant). apoi un cult de metahipsteri, dark, zeflemitori, agitati, pregatind metodele de tortura. lumea in devenire, priceputa in ceata, o coada de ochi si-o nebuloasa alzheimerica. devenea, devenirea. si eu deveneam vizoarele in panica, deasupra cronometru, presata sa aleg orice identitate care s-o aduca
o pata de incert spre inainte stanga, spre o padure ceata, unde nimeni nu stie, unde nu recunosti
o lume-babel coridor de voci si nebunii hartuitoare, si fugi de pusnei mic si gay si de tabula rasa totului, si mama nuna imi citise inboxul si i-am muscat degetul mic
have a sleepy f(l)ight.
atentie la punctuatia vietii -
grimshaw, an autumn idyll
lampile cu abajur luminic infipte-n tulpini de copaci, raze de soare pliate stanga-dreapta, un abajur la o tulpina, unele langa altele, stand.
weed overdose, cazand intr-un somn fara pace, rewind din 3 in 3 minute, am mai zis asta? un loop de multa groaza - continuu in neevadare -
cand numele altcuviva intra in camera, si-al tau iese
alice oswald - 'almost as transparent'
larkin: love again, annus mirabilis, the trees, coming, talking in bed, lines on a young lady's photograph album, church going..
'..with words both true and kind
or not untrue and not unkind.'
cateva personaje stateau in camere de faianta inchise, desprinzandu-si dureros crestetul (amintirile) sau integrand obiecte ascutite. sange negru, rulant.
cateva poze radeau mari ca baloanele, lentile largi, convexe, lumina nici zi nici seara
holograme planand pe lumini perfecte, 'the world spins'
jumatati de baloane
intr-o poza sufrageristica mi-am dat seama ca sunt doar doi nori, nu o sumedenie, nu niciunul
si tre' sa fie tare singuri.
se joaca doar de-a forma.
beth vroia sa merg la londra sa duc o fata antipatica la aeroport
a strigat cineva intr-un lift
i-a zis la ureche scenariul altcuiva, copii adormiti intr-un ouf fara viata
the things i touch are made of soul
The covers pleased her:
One bleached from lying in a sunny place'
one laid beneath her.' reassured me with some unfamilar liiine
then shheeee gave to meee more summer wine..
screw lectures
screw nurses
screw the nhs.
'The whiskey, the fatigue and the wind in the trees start mixing in my mind. "Of course," I add, "the laws of science contain no matter and have no energy either and therefore do not exist except in people’s minds. It’s best to be completely scientific about the whole thing and refuse to believe in either ghosts or the laws of science. That way you’re safe. That doesn't leave you very much to believe in, but that’s scientific too." "I don't know what you're talking about," Chris says.'
- don't you want to see yourself over wine?
yey, federer
(3 aug)
ieri m-a oprit cineva pe strada sa-mi spuna 'sorry if sounds cheap, but i think you're really beautiful'. apoi mi-a urat o zi buna. just that (16 iulie)
for your information, i'm really not.
'the shades of everything were green'
just what it saw departed: the cobblestone
the brittle sheen
of previews long restarted.
'e-un buric al universului, pe partea cealalta-i celalta parte' (da!!?)
'the party started at 2, we got there at 6 because brits are stiff before they get drunk'
'when you came
there w's this man
who lived deep within the corner of a game'
things he doesn't know what to call on the walls
dear emily
where are my words
[memoryhouse, 'when you sleep']
se opresc favorurile
jaluzelele stau trase
e o moara de egoism in tot
un plan inclinat
in directii compromise
- Labradford - P easy (Black Session)
drumul de la nymans pana la standen, nu mai eram in martie
turners hill, worth abbey, high beeches, turnul si gara de turta dulce, handcross
missing you, sussex.
am visat ca o cunosteam pe mama pe o pelicula, mai tanara ca mine, putin sub apa, maro cu diapozitiv si costumul lui alb, o viata neluata-n toata, s-a ingrozit miraculos cu o metafora cu mingea
- un sut de minge condensat, drumul de la mine la ea, la ea la mine
m-a vazut - a spus doar ca sunt mai grasuna la fata decat ar fi crezut.
erau in barci sub apa / blurri / la inceput un video pe care nici ei nu stiau ca l-au facut / parcele clandestine
iarna pe sanii senine.
in haine de vara, in toamna de rasete, mereu a primaoara
cum n-am s-o stiu pe mama cu parul ala lung si negru in costumas de strengarita.
'what's that you're wearing, smells great' -> inteleg 'that thing you're wearing, not great'. radem oleaca, masina & making out like teenagers to 'strange pleasures'
may contain traces of peanuts, tree nuts and joy
the earth's a toy.
lalele lila, o sambata de 12 ore /
pizza, half baked spuds & mass of floating white, 18/19 feb
behind the world is where i want to be.
symphorophilia. nice.
'este-un footpath frumos care te scoate fix in spatele lumii' /
'vreau sa ma uit, dar nu gasesc televizorul' (25 ian)
vale of kerry, araf
spray-indecizie aurie grena in mozaicul de trefla, canioane de ceata de noapte intoarcerea, caprioare in curba
our secrets sleep in winter clothes
and i need summers.
un lounge in mijlocul padurii
easy easy night sun.
razboiul inghetat si ritmic, worcester, ce cer..
l-am visat pe cohen. il intrebam despre un vers pe care niciunul din noi nu si-l mai aducea aminte.
google search, what do indie hobbits do
shrop, shropshire
* beings
oxy moronic
sa ajung la inver, ness, anul, asta
'o fugit fugea ca o lumina uda'
then, sinking lower / the answer was, the farthest.
(freakin' lord.. 28 decembrie)
to rule
like fire to the fuel
a loud
rain gone inside the cloud
the stray
cold earth inventing clay
that song
so purposeful along
nu inca 2 saptamani in casa asta pneumatica, nu
un barman nesimtit cu 10 ani mai mic, canwegosomewheredark
un barman nesimtit cu 10 ani mai mic, canwegosomewheredark
la cambre, wallflower, 3 art nouveau, ixelles
arvo pärt, 'spiegel im spiegel'
'eu nu sunt un cartof, iar tu esti o baterie imbracata cu un stegulet; ccam scurt.'
a, face ca boris vian
'eu nu sunt un cartof, iar tu esti o baterie imbracata cu un stegulet; ccam scurt.'
a, face ca boris vian
cocktailuri de pian
..and i worried about a bruise on my thigh.
sa luam zacusca 'capricii si delicii', dara. geez.
hitchin' on a twliight traaaain, ain't nothin here that i caaare to take along
maybe a song..
music in the space between the notes, stars
“—it’ll never strike anybody the same way and the great majority of people it’ll never strike in any deep way at all but—a really great painting is fluid enough to work its way into the mind ... The pieces that occur and recur. Maybe for someone else, not a dealer, it wouldn’t be an object. It’d be a city, a color, a time of day. The nail where your fate is liable to catch and snag.”
..know that feeling when it's been wrong for so long, it feels wrong when it starts to feel right? well.. that's wrong. [disprove]
on waves of flame on a floor, that door
search art nouveau furrniture/architecture/interiors
ramin djawadi si cardioconexul lui, impinge sageti fix -
..un tablou in pat: jumate de luna, sferturi de nori pufosi, ciori in zigzaguri curbate, taie noaptea in drumuri netrunchiate (7 noiembrie)
mirosul norilor astora de desert rece
o bucata de intelepciune bagata sub cuvertura
ca pozele facute ilegal, momente necaracteristice.
umberto, chiswick, victoria & albert, chiacchere, oameni spunand lucruri simpatice pe strada, e halloween si-am mers de 2 ori in 2 directii gresite. rekorderlig, strawberry, lime (31 oct)
this time, let them happen..
album, sa-l cheme 'not your years'
intai, to lady young; pare un poetism glumatic. apoi, to lady alicia l young, 11 crofton avenue, w43ew
of broken glass, of faded walls, and paper wishing things [hydrogen sea, 'in dreams']
pagina 27 din 'high fidelity', indigo, 96.
trying to feel one's once way forward - fel cum 9 si cu 5 fac 14, iar suma redevine 5: nu stiu de ce, o explicatie pe varful limbii fel cum 9 si cu 5 fac 14, iar suma redevine 5: nu stiu de ce, o explicatie pe varful limbii
“Same face—dutiful, earnest. Goodness written all over him and yet always that twitch of worry and disquiet. That subtle shade of the betrayer.”
intai adevarul tata, care s-a creat sau era; poate dintr-o greseala. apoi adevarul produs, trimis mai departe. apoi adevarul-senzatie, absorbit, traversat. ales.
si starea larga de impermanenta.
haworth, the old sun pub, old silent inn, 'unde se ingropau haiducii' (timp?)
windermere, oh for the sound of it zile cu luna plina: cealalta parte a tunelului, trei x-uri si graffiti infundate in rape creepy, nene, creepy, un film cu fete mici care te-omoara din greseala. lumina in gradina, latra disteapta aia pechineza la 2:44 si luna, traversata de-o alifie aburita, se uita printre randuri.
(o viespe si o musca mare bazaiau in bucatarie) 16 septembrie
intelegere, imaginatie, interactiune, intuitie, interioare. cica.
'da-i un cliseu, bai, cu aromaticii [romanticii] si daydreaming!'
gro-tesco / 'da, le dam cadou un prosop, wink-wink', cambridge
'and, indeed, three lovely cloudlets, holding each other by the hand, were drifting diagonally across the sky; the third one fell slowly behind, and its outline, and the outline of the friendly hand still stretched out to it, slowly lost their graceful significance. / 'When traveling the way he did you forget the names of time; they are crowded out by those of places.' / 'and at that moment, like a stupid sun issuing from behind a stupid cloud, the electric light burst forth from the ceiling.'
clare college / how you missed your life
'and, indeed, three lovely cloudlets, holding each other by the hand, were drifting diagonally across the sky; the third one fell slowly behind, and its outline, and the outline of the friendly hand still stretched out to it, slowly lost their graceful significance. / 'When traveling the way he did you forget the names of time; they are crowded out by those of places.' / 'and at that moment, like a stupid sun issuing from behind a stupid cloud, the electric light burst forth from the ceiling.'
clare college / how you missed your life
i could listen to this for a lifetime. driving.
locuri care nu-si gasesc locul, straturi de neliniste de adancimea sussexului, paduri si fire de lumina pe anotimpuri de teroare
brighton, sa nimerim cu ochelari de elvitz in mijlocul paradei gay, o zi intinsa ca o farfurie (6 aug)
the sun, caramel through that door
and with that colour in their voice
her on the flute, him on the cello, an oboe and a violin
their bedroom, silent off a baldaquin
zicea un mos grasun cu ochelari in vis despre heaven.. no, if there's even an idea of it, it won't be behind stars, like a sheet you pull over, but between, and beneath, and in front, and behind - them. them. us
..why not, guys, student discounts / si labradorul urias pe mine, 29 iulie
cherwell river, enchanted forest, edenbridge. fumul cazand in seara (18 iulie)
love is a pose that the others can’t see / wanna be the biblical me? it'sss a danger-on..
tufele care-nfloresc roz si lila si bleu matins, si-anunta iulie
curba de nori, cu lori
..ce noapte, curgeau adolescenţi pe copou la vale, 12 noaptea
(marşul absolvenţilor) cică ‘fie’
“I had frozen them out, a trick I'd learned from Henry (no expression, pitiless gaze, forcing intruder to retreat in embarrassment); it was a nearly infallible tactic but...”
într-o cameră, cu un geam deschis
i’ll meet you at mindnight, i never knew light
hallerbos, zambilele
- jos, un om care se zvârcolea în spatele unor boscheţi târzii, căliţi.
brighton, sa nimerim cu ochelari de elvitz in mijlocul paradei gay, o zi intinsa ca o farfurie (6 aug)
the sun, caramel through that door
and with that colour in their voice
her on the flute, him on the cello, an oboe and a violin
their bedroom, silent off a baldaquin
zicea un mos grasun cu ochelari in vis despre heaven.. no, if there's even an idea of it, it won't be behind stars, like a sheet you pull over, but between, and beneath, and in front, and behind - them. them. us
..why not, guys, student discounts / si labradorul urias pe mine, 29 iulie
cherwell river, enchanted forest, edenbridge. fumul cazand in seara (18 iulie)
love is a pose that the others can’t see / wanna be the biblical me? it'sss a danger-on..
tufele care-nfloresc roz si lila si bleu matins, si-anunta iulie
curba de nori, cu lori
o bicicleta mirosind a tren
si te ascunzi în umbra unui cantec.
pelicula temporala / idiografie
mail high in magic cookie phase,
tefal? asta-i cheaba. 'pastilica'
pelicula temporala / idiografie
arata ca unde ai mai fost, ceva ce-ai mai scris
intermitent ca-n visul lui henry final
cutitele, scobitorile vietii
toamna? o margine de covor? o schimbare de ritm?
care e cel mai bun mod sa termini o zi rea?
nu e o reclama.
tefal? asta-i cheaba. 'pastilica'
rade si ea si crede ca-s vesela
pocnesc baloane uriase de aer dinspre tot, masaj de boambe, e superb
am, dar ce-am zis?
trece incet timpul. imbatranesti telescopic.
*: senzatie de radiera de la genunchi in jos, iti fug
pocnesc baloane uriase de aer dinspre tot, masaj de boambe, e superb
am, dar ce-am zis?
trece incet timpul. imbatranesti telescopic.
*: senzatie de radiera de la genunchi in jos, iti fug
'is prapadiiita!' burticei burcalati (30 iun)
art by Susanna Majuri, oa:
lappi, 2012
la ce se gândeşte cerul când e plecat de pe geam? / 'yeah, drink me. drink me slower'
‘broadly bringing forth step out of step in their descent like wave out of wave’; + letter 8, rilke
visam că-mi trimitea păduri scrise, lumini în anotimp alb-negru, cărţi despre anne pe care mă-ntreba când le-am citit, seri cu plecări pe care le-am descris
sunt awa beata, e aswa plutitor, si nu fac nicio prostie, si e asa pie (gradina cu frunzi verzi si filosofie, mai)
art by Susanna Majuri, oa:
lappi, 2012
la ce se gândeşte cerul când e plecat de pe geam? / 'yeah, drink me. drink me slower'
‘broadly bringing forth step out of step in their descent like wave out of wave’; + letter 8, rilke
visam că-mi trimitea păduri scrise, lumini în anotimp alb-negru, cărţi despre anne pe care mă-ntreba când le-am citit, seri cu plecări pe care le-am descris
..ce noapte, curgeau adolescenţi pe copou la vale, 12 noaptea
(marşul absolvenţilor) cică ‘fie’
nu exista decat restless si listless pe lumea asta?
'rest, less, ness, is me, you see'
“You ask whether your verses are good. You ask me. You have asked others before. You send them to magazines. You compare them with other poems, and you are disturbed when certain editors reject your efforts. Now (since you have allowed me to advise you) I beg you to give up all that. ... There is nothing that does not seem to have been understood, grasped, experienced and recognized in the tremulous after-ring of memory; ... almost everything serious is difficult, and everything is serious.”
“You ask whether your verses are good. You ask me. You have asked others before. You send them to magazines. You compare them with other poems, and you are disturbed when certain editors reject your efforts. Now (since you have allowed me to advise you) I beg you to give up all that. ... There is nothing that does not seem to have been understood, grasped, experienced and recognized in the tremulous after-ring of memory; ... almost everything serious is difficult, and everything is serious.”
sick of being a dreamer / dream for me, dreamers
i can’t anymore.
i can’t anymore.
‘her majesty, september’. companie de filme.
i missed talking to you. the way we do.
am visat o sală înlemnitor de vastă, pictată şi superbă, mare cât parcul ăsta sau mai mare, alb, bleu deschis, beige, portocaliu răzgândit, un patinoar de pretimpuri, fete, scene dintr-o lume poategrecia, nu fetecuulciorul, luate de vânt, sincere, fascinate
dansau un dans desenic pe pereţi, scene de zi din lumi uitate, libere, mute. (fresce; the hallroom of hymns, 23 mai)
..o lună neverosimilă cu o stea roşie de coardă dedesubt, noaptea muzeelor aprinse şi niste lălăiţi cântând ‘o, brad frumos’ pe copou pe la 2 (20 mai)
..cică sinonime pentru streaşină: jgheab, scoc (!), polată, cetârnă, sageac.
mă zgribuleam sub sageac şi na, mi-a căzut nişte apă-n cap.
[more: bor, cat, vizieră
i missed talking to you. the way we do.
am visat o sală înlemnitor de vastă, pictată şi superbă, mare cât parcul ăsta sau mai mare, alb, bleu deschis, beige, portocaliu răzgândit, un patinoar de pretimpuri, fete, scene dintr-o lume poategrecia, nu fetecuulciorul, luate de vânt, sincere, fascinate
dansau un dans desenic pe pereţi, scene de zi din lumi uitate, libere, mute. (fresce; the hallroom of hymns, 23 mai)
..o lună neverosimilă cu o stea roşie de coardă dedesubt, noaptea muzeelor aprinse şi niste lălăiţi cântând ‘o, brad frumos’ pe copou pe la 2 (20 mai)
..cică sinonime pentru streaşină: jgheab, scoc (!), polată, cetârnă, sageac.
mă zgribuleam sub sageac şi na, mi-a căzut nişte apă-n cap.
[more: bor, cat, vizieră
o spammeră care trimite doar motto-uri scurte. nu-s rele unele.
opti, mystic
“I had frozen them out, a trick I'd learned from Henry (no expression, pitiless gaze, forcing intruder to retreat in embarrassment); it was a nearly infallible tactic but...”
într-o cameră, cu un geam deschis
i’ll meet you at mindnight, i never knew light
spre 11 seara, copii cu ghiozdane traversau străzi fugind
stucaturi pe clădiri vechi zicând
am intrat in palatul culturii cum am intrat atunci in universitate
de la etajul 1 răsuna asta.
salata cu ce? stucaturi pe clădiri vechi zicând
am intrat in palatul culturii cum am intrat atunci in universitate
de la etajul 1 răsuna asta.
cu plăcere.
..1, 2, 04, 05
'“When you’re worried about something,” said Henry abruptly, “have you ever tried thinking in a different language?”
“It slows you down. Keeps your thoughts from running wild. A good discipline in any circumstance.
… There was a silence, during which I struggled for language to adequately express what I thought of this goofball advice.'
les aubes sont navrantes
printing regret..
da de thwe nu pot tha fluer.
isi lasa pantofii in mijlocul drumului, ma-mpiedic de ei cu spatele si zic ca-i o coincidenta
ala e un baiat? timp de recunoastere -
facem tot ce trebuie, fumez weed langa masina s-o afum bine, haine cu tot, in mijlocul unei piete cu blocuri imprejur, oameni care gatesc, se uita pe geam
umblu prelung cu carcasa tigarii, vine un mos in rotile, ii ia un sfert sa ora sa se cazeze in masina cat eu palmez tigara spre geamurile celor din bucatarie, hai spre hotel, o reaprind, e vant si in masina, care e diferenta intre high-stoned, domnule?
lucrurile / par / noi
ce urata-i vulpea cu pene (= bufnita)
when we both got time, we can feel anything
oh, really dying, oh, to get out
ruffum - raflum
majical cloudz - 'are you alone'
edward sharpe & the magnetic ceva
o singura idee buna: dac-o fantoma ar bantui acum un loc pe internet, in loc de locuri-locuri.. cu cibernetizarea totului.
casa cu spatele in fata si nu invers
revert, hartii gasite in dulap
un semn pe care nu l-am mai vazut, ‘tank crossing’
toll bridge (2010s, 'eally?), un capcaun vitraliu, 'you lost?' kind of. 'where are you going?' stonehenge.. southampton.. haa, that way.
..1, 2, 04, 05
'“When you’re worried about something,” said Henry abruptly, “have you ever tried thinking in a different language?”
“It slows you down. Keeps your thoughts from running wild. A good discipline in any circumstance.
… There was a silence, during which I struggled for language to adequately express what I thought of this goofball advice.'
les aubes sont navrantes
printing regret..
hey, shadow. walk with me.
- scriam cu taste si nu scria nimic -da de thwe nu pot tha fluer.
isi lasa pantofii in mijlocul drumului, ma-mpiedic de ei cu spatele si zic ca-i o coincidenta
ala e un baiat? timp de recunoastere -
facem tot ce trebuie, fumez weed langa masina s-o afum bine, haine cu tot, in mijlocul unei piete cu blocuri imprejur, oameni care gatesc, se uita pe geam
umblu prelung cu carcasa tigarii, vine un mos in rotile, ii ia un sfert sa ora sa se cazeze in masina cat eu palmez tigara spre geamurile celor din bucatarie, hai spre hotel, o reaprind, e vant si in masina, care e diferenta intre high-stoned, domnule?
ce urata-i vulpea cu pene (= bufnita)
when we both got time, we can feel anything
oh, really dying, oh, to get out
ruffum - raflum
majical cloudz - 'are you alone'
edward sharpe & the magnetic ceva
o singura idee buna: dac-o fantoma ar bantui acum un loc pe internet, in loc de locuri-locuri.. cu cibernetizarea totului.
casa cu spatele in fata si nu invers
revert, hartii gasite in dulap
un semn pe care nu l-am mai vazut, ‘tank crossing’
toll bridge (2010s, 'eally?), un capcaun vitraliu, 'you lost?' kind of. 'where are you going?' stonehenge.. southampton.. haa, that way.
'den’t worry ‘bout the toll', in lumea de poduri de piatra.
i wanna live with common people, i wanna do whatever common people do, i.. got my first real 6-string.. will always stay, a miiiillion miles a..
'got cigarettes on you?' i think about 4 packs - 'you mean 4 x 200-packs?' NO! / 'alcohol?' no? – 2 sticloaie de cocktail luate din austria, de alea am uitat. SUB SCAUN.
se uita un om cu un caine, peh hun drum
un motociclist, play..
i wanna live with common people, i wanna do whatever common people do, i.. got my first real 6-string.. will always stay, a miiiillion miles a..
'got cigarettes on you?' i think about 4 packs - 'you mean 4 x 200-packs?' NO! / 'alcohol?' no? – 2 sticloaie de cocktail luate din austria, de alea am uitat. SUB SCAUN.
se uita un om cu un caine, peh hun drum
un motociclist, play..
hallerbos, zambilele
'in my head there's a city at night'
primăvara târzie, călită
nu ştiu dacă s-o cred
o suprafaţă palidă şi tristă
de oboseli reagitate- jos, un om care se zvârcolea în spatele unor boscheţi târzii, căliţi.
‘outside from my friends from x i never met someone who’d jump fences’ – unde traiesc oamenii astia?
in a picture with less cruise control and fewer conventional titles
pini: despre viitor, trecut si niciodata-n una, si despre totdeauna
'fall down, standing up is boring'
un fel de whosthefork, good yard /
se-aude tirism afarăun fel de whosthefork, good yard
şi noi mâncăm soia pantalonizată. (20 feb)
'The mask of the familiar is a primitive shelter, a house, or rather a pseudohouse, which veils a fundamental unfamiliarity.'
'The mask of the familiar is a primitive shelter, a house, or rather a pseudohouse, which veils a fundamental unfamiliarity.'
i wonder how you see art, where you find it. this is one of the nights i wish i were out, finding it.
men's shhhirts..
..but there is also something imposed about these philosophic strains that change your views - it's like learning about ingenuity with foreign language definitions, they don't quite fit, but they're profound. (tao)
nume: debo, nemeea (e-o ţară?!), naema, neea, elphin(e), ridess, chaleece, chalancelamé ieh ohribil.
'The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything. To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.'
is fear really the one thing we leave behind when we die?
bonifacio gortress, di angeli blu pierdut pariul şi n-am dansat lambada în costum de baie
(da, da, şi beloeil.)
moulbaix, haunted, abandoned – full moon & fog & întâlniri în belgia convenţională, 23 ian
în lumea ei plouă cu negru
noaptea, când e singură, îşi aminteşte pulovere
uşor nepopulate
a crescut pe malul din perete
în spate
era o fată care vorbea cu ea despre
/this wrong/
nu suntem aici ca să îndeplinim un scop
furtuni spre dimineţi abrupte
semnul pe care l-a făcut viorilor vine din altă seară
plată, când vorbeai despre drama celor închişi în frică
fumând nervos, imun
nedizolvat, necumpănit
ca uleiul în realitatea hidrolizată
neîmpăcabil, nefolositor
totuşi fluid.